Enquiries Form

Prefix 称呼:
First Name 姓氏: *
Last Name 名字: *
Phone Number 联络电话: *
E-mail Address: *
Street Address 地址:
Address Line 2 地址2:
Country 国家: *
State 州属:
Check In 入住日期: *
Select Date

Check Out 退房日期: *
Select Date

Number of Guests 入住人数( Adult 大人): *
Number of Guests 入住人数( Children 小孩): *
Is there any elderly companion 老人/长者同行? *
Yes, 1
Yes, others
Rooms/Apartments Type 选择房间种类: *Single Bedroom(shared bathroom) 单人房
Twin Bedroom(Shared bathroom) 双人房
Japanese Style Double Bedroom with bathroom attached 日式双人房
Family Suite for 3 persons with bathroom 三人家庭房
Family Suite for 4 persons with bathroon 四人家庭房
Whole apartment(4 rooms for 9 persons) 四房公寓
Whole apartment(3 rooms for 6 persons) 三房公寓
Special Requests 其他资料:

* Required